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Norman Rockwell Works

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Norman Rockwell was a prolific artist, producing more than 4,000 original works in his lifetime. Most of his works are either in public collections, or have been destroyed in fire or other misfortunes.

The family used to spend holidays in the countryside, and, from an early age, the artist developed an idyllic vision of rural life. The family house was full of books and Rockwell copied illustrations, improving his technique.


     1.       Ads

     2.       April fool

     3.       Auctions

     4.       Books

     5.       Calendars

     6.      Collectibles

     7.      Favorites

     8.       Hands art

     9.       Jared like

 10.      Last painting

 11.      Magazine articles

 12.      Magazine covers

 13.      Other…

 14.       Portraits

 15.       Posters

 16.       Sketches

 17.       Stolen/missing
