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Donald Trump Wives
Trump Divorces Ivana and Marries Marla Maples It did not take long after Ivana was out of the business picture in Atlantic City that rumors were circulating that a beauty pageant winner from Georgia was trying to lure Trump into a serious affair. Marla was just 23 years old when she started dating Donald secretly; he was 40. According to sources close to Marla at the time, she was pressuring Trump to leave Ivana and he was merely offering her money and gifts to keep things quiet. The Trump/Maples affair soon became intense with Maples threatening to run around with other men and Donald doing all he could to keep the affair under control. Finally, Donald was cornered to a point where he took Marla with him wherever he went. If he took his family to California, Marla had to go to California and be put up in a hotel close by so that Donald could escape Ivana and the kids to see his mistress. This went on for some time with Marla becoming more and more dissatisfied. In 1991, when Donald and his family were in Aspen with Marla lodged nearby, the situation came to a boil when the two women either accidentally or deliberately, on Marla's part, met on the ski slopes. It was after this nasty confrontation that Ivana filed for divorce. She was greatly humiliated by the stories and the photos of Marla with Donald on the covers of all the gossip magazines. After a messy divorce It was the time in his life where he had been less than planned to perfection and it greatly bothered him. He also knew that Marla Maples, a money hungry beauty pageant contestant, had manipulated him and damaged his home life and he had not been strong enough to stop it. Trump also knew that he was genuinely in love with Marla. At heart he was a one woman man who admired the relationship of his parents that lasted a lifetime, and although he made a brief attempt to forget Marla by dating a few attractive women after his divorce, his heart belonged to Marla Maples. His time dating Carla Bruni may have actually benefited Marla because it has been reported that Carla wanted Donald for marriage and used many manipulative tricks to snare him. By the time of their break up Donald didn't even like her anymore. So, Trump married Marla and the two had a child they named Tiffany, after Tiffany & Co. Trump Maples Wedding The new marriage was not a happy one, and this time in his life was perhaps Trump's lowest point. He had been married to a great woman but wanted to have his cake and eat it too, believing that he could have an affair while continuing his marriage to Ivana. Trump was forced to learn a valuable lesson. He lost his reputation as a respectable businessman and was viewed from that point on as a man who would use his wealth just to cheat on his wife. It seems only Bill Clinton or a Kennedy can get away with being a cheat and live with no regrets. If it bothered Trump that his image had been forever damaged he did not let it show. He just went with the flow and decided to profit on the new image that he was now facing. No matter what happens Donald does not waste any time. He takes the ball and runs with it. For some time thereafter, he was notorious. He was a guy who had cheated on his beautiful family with a beauty queen and then divorced his wife to marry this girl. He used this reckless reputation in commercials for insurance companies and money was coming in faster than ever. It has been stated in the media that Donald Trump went bankrupt somewhere in this time. These are stories that make people buy magazines but this is simply not true. During the early '90s, he went into debt by several million on some of his ventures. The media had a field day as it loves to elaborate on misfortune more than it likes to give credit where credit is due. The public considered Donald Trump to be cocky and arrogant during his relationship with Marla Maples, and it was published that he himself was bankrupt which would sell by exciting people into thinking that a rich person can just simply fall from grace and have to get a job at McDonald's. Trump is a self made billionaire and when one has that kind of talent it simply does not disappear. Wealthy people frequently have losing deals. They are always in a state of winning and losing. Sometimes what looks like a bad investment is just a tax write off to offset other ventures that art doing well. Trump's success did take a dip during a stormy period. It's one thing to play arrogant to the cameras and quite another to actually believe that wealth comes easily. Donald Trump put his nose to the grindstone and focused on rebuilding his wealth. Friends of Donald have said that he regretted cheating on Ivana and marrying Marla, but Trump would never state anything like this to the press because he has a daughter with Marla whom he loves dearly. Donald did not wallow in his mistakes, he continued to rebuild and learn valuable lessons from his life experiences. Trump Divorces Marla The couple divorced in 1999. It has been speculated that Marla was seeing another man, Michael Mailer, for about one year before she and Donald divorced. What is known for a fact is that she had met Mailer while performing a bit part in a movie he was directing in 1998, and they announced their engagement several months after her divorce. Unfortunately, Mailer broke off the engagement and married someone else. After Marla married Trump, she was set for life. She would walk away from her saga with "The Donald" as a multi-millionairess and the mother of Tiffany, heir to the Donald Trump estate. What's more, she also would walk away as a celebrity; Marla is regularly asked to do television interviews about her relationship with Trump. Trump Dates Kara Young Kara Young, a renowned actress and model, dated A.J. Benza soon after divorcing her husband. A.J. was a moderately successful tabloid columnist in the late 1980s-1990s and is best remembered as the host of Mysteries and Scandals. Mr. Benza could not compete for a minute with a big man on campus like, Donald Trump, so Kara left A.J. soon after meeting Mr. Trump. Not only was Donald a powerful and exciting suitor, but he possessed some traits that Kara found fascinating. Unlike many beautiful women who are attracted to modeling, Kara was also interested in business and entrepreneurship. She and Donald could talk for hours about the subject and Kara knew that she could learn something useful from every conversation she had with her exciting new boyfriend. It is unclear why the couple did not continue with their relationship. It could be that Kara was too ambitious in her own right to live with Donald, that Donald did not wish to pair himself with yet another model/actress for the long haul, or, even more likely, that Donald had someone else on his mind. Radio show host, Howard Stearn was interested in the love triangle of A.J, Trump and Kara, so he arranged for her to be on his show to talk about it in what would become an embarrassing and awkward situation for Kara Young because Donald told listeners that he and Kara were no longer together. Either way, Kara went on to become a respected Fox News correspondent and Trump took his millions and moved on. |