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VDH The Virginia Department of Health is dedicated to protecting and promoting the health of Virginians. The VDH is made up of a statewide Central Office in Richmond and 35 local health districts. These entities work together to promote healthy lifestyle choices that can combat chronic disease, educate the public about emergency preparedness and threats to their health, and track disease outbreaks in Virginia. The VDH is led by the State Health Commissioner, appointed by the Governor of Virginia. The Commissioner oversees the direction of the agency and provides feedback to the Governor through the Secretary of Health and Human Resources. The Commissioner works alongside numerous Deputy Commissioners and other key figures on the leadership team in heading the VDH in its efforts to navigate the complex health landscape and to promote the well-being of all people in Virginia. The agency has a staff of 3,300 in 35 local health districts with 119 local health departments. Click here for more VDH information VHCF The Virginia Health Care Foundation makes a difference in the lives of countless Virginians every day. A public/private partnership, VHCF helps uninsured Virginians and those who live in underserved communities obtain medical, dental and mental health care. VHCF support helps free clinics, community health centers and a variety of other nonprofit organizations to expand both the types of care offered and the number of patients cared for each year. In addition to grants, VHCF programs help make free and discounted prescription medicines available to uninsured Virginians with chronic illnesses. And VHCF application assistance helps uninsured Virginians obtain medical, mental health and dental coverage. Since 1992, VHCF’s partnerships and programs have: · Made more than 3.9 million patient visits possible. · Generated more than $9 billion in free medications for nearly 366,000 individuals. · Enrolled more than 146,000 Virginians in state-sponsored health insurance · Provided more than $16 million in grants to help establish or expand 55 of the Commonwealth’s dental safety net practices. Click here for more VHCF information Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) PACE IS AN ALTERNATIVE TO LIVING IN A NURSING HOME. Most people if given a choice prefer to stay in their own home or at least in their own community. PACE offers an opportunity to stay at home with support in place. Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE®) serve seniors with chronic care needs by providing access to the full continuum of preventive, primary, acute and long-term care services. PACE programs take many familiar elements of the traditional health care system and reorganize them in a way that makes sense to families, health care providers, and the government programs and others that pay for care. For consumers, PACE provides: · Caregivers who listen to and can respond to their individualized care needs · The option to continue living in their community as long as possible · One-stop shopping for all health care services For health care providers, PACE provides: · Capitated funding arrangement that rewards providers who are flexible and creative in providing the best care possible · The ability to coordinate care for individuals across settings and medical disciplines · The ability to meet increasing senior demands for individualized care and support services For those who pay for care, PACE provides: · Cost savings and predictable expenditures · A comprehensive service package emphasizing preventive care that is usually less expensive and more effective than acute care · A model of choice for older individuals focused on keeping them at home and out of institutional settings PACE SERVICES Delivering all needed medical and supportive services, a PACE program is able to provide the entire continuum of care and services to seniors with chronic care needs while maintaining their independence in their home for as long as possible. Services include the following: · Adult day care that offers nursing; physical, occupational and recreational therapies; meals; nutritional counseling; social work and personal care · Medical care provided by a PACE physician familiar with the history, needs and preferences of each participant · Home Health care and personal care · All necessary prescription drugs · Social services · Medical specialties, such as audiology, dentistry, optometry, podiatry and speech therapy · Respite care · Hospital and nursing home care when necessary The first PACE program in Virginia opened its doors in 2007. As of April 2022, Virginia has 12 PACE programs throughout the state with more sites in development. |