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Verde river

There were two Verde River 100 year floods a little over 3 months apart.

The first flood was 12/29/2004, the maximum water flow was 58,100 cubic feet per second.  The normal flow for that time of years is 60 cfps.

The second 100 year flood occurred a few months later, on 02/11/2005 with a flow of 62,000 cubic feet per second.

One cubic foot (7.5 gallons) times 3,600 seconds in a hour equals 27,000 gallons per hour.  Therfore 27,000 * 62,000 = 1,674,000,000 gallons per hour.


Lake Michigan, according to satellite measurements and formulas, holds One Quadrillion gallons of water. That is 1,000,000,000,000,000 gallons.  In order to raise the lake’s water level one inch, it would take around 400 Billion gallons of water.  So, if the Verde river was flowing into lake Michigan at the peak of the flood it would have raised the lake level by 1.0 inch every 10 days.


The second flood the river water came within 50 yards of our back yard.


Verde river video clip

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