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We had problems with skunks stealing our eggs. Skunks also eat all kind of small animals, and these can include baby chicks, bunnies and everything from lizards’ frogs and insects through to small birds, mice and moles.  I started trapping them with a live trap.  Tried relocating them, but where and how without causing a lot of stink? Tried shooting them with a 22, then discovered I could put them to sleep without much hassle or stress using car exhaust. I built a wooden box and attached some flexible hoses for connecting to a car tailpipe. I gently inserted the live trap containing skunk into the wooden gas chamber, started the car and wait for the skunk to go to sleep. After about 15 minutes the skunk is dead. I would take a picture and then stuff the carcass in a plastic bag for deposit in the dumpster.  During about 10 years I recorded over 225 skunk assassinations.



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