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2016 Running for President Facts

     1.      When Trump first told Bill O'Reilly that he was thinking of running for president they were at a Knicks game and Bill responded comically, "Of what country?"

     2.      On June 16th, 2015 Trump announced his intention to run for president at Trump Tower in New York. During the 2016 election, 62% of all Google searches for GOP candidates were for Trump. Jeb Bush was second with 9%

     3.      According to the William Hill Betting Agency in 2015 Trumps odds of winning the 2016 election were 100 to one

     4.      Trump said his wealth would make him immune to pressure from campaign donors

     5.      Trump was one of seventeen candidates vying for the 2016 Republican nomination; this was the largest presidential field in American history at that time

     6.      It is estimated that 1.4 million Americans attended a Trump campaign rally in 2016

     7.      Hillary Clinton said in 2013, "l would like to see people like Donald Trump run for office. They're honest and can't be bought

     8.      Trump won the Republican primary, receiving more votes than any other Republican primary candidate in history

     9.      On the campaign trail in 2016, Alva Johnson tried to sue Trump for grabbing her hand and pulling her into him to kiss her on the lips without her consent. Two years later video surfaced of the incident where you can see Trump never grabbed her hand and the "kiss" was actually a common European style greeting. Both Trump and Alva lean in and turn their faces in opposite directions and kissed off to the side of the other person. His lips never touched her and the conversation that she said happened afterward is shown in the video to have never happened

 10.      Respected polls such as the Princeton Election Consortium put Trump's chances of victory at 1 percent on election night. In the last 24 hours of the campaign, the New York Times, tracking various posters' models, concluded that Trump's chances of winning in such surveys were 15%, 8%, 2%, and less than 1%. When a progressive poll master Nate Silver suggested before the vote that Trump had a 29% chance of winning the Electoral College democrats grew angry at him for suggesting such a high percent

 11.      Eight out of every ten white evangelicals voted for Trump

 12.      Nineteen Women have accused Trump of sexual assault. Seventeen of those women did so only after Trump announced he was running for President and the majority of them in the month before the 2016 election. Of the two women who accused him before that time one was his first wife during their divorce. Not a single one of these women have ever filed a police report

 13.      In 2016, Forbes ranked Trump as the 336th wealthiest person in the world and 156th in the United States, at a net worth of $4.5 Billion

 14.      Donald Trump made 323 campaign appearances compared to Hillary Clintons 278 events

 15.      The Apprentice's season one finale garnered 28.1 million views which equates to 17.76% of the registered number of voters in the 2016 election

 16.      Trump chose Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana as his running mate because of his low-key, Christian profile in hopes of balancing out Trump's flamboyance and to help attract the Evangelical vote that rejected Mitt Romney in 2012

 17.      Trump, in a 1990 Playboy magazine interview Trump said "We Americans are laughed at around the world for losing a hundred and fifty billion dollars a year, for defending wealthy nations for nothing... Our allies are screwing us". He echoed the same thing when he ran for president 26 years later

 18.      CNN made so much money from Trump's debates that he requested they donate some of the money to Veterans

 19.      By the time Trump's last primary opponent had dropped out of the Republican race Trump had the support of only 40% of Republicans. But on election day 88% of Republicans voted for him

 20.      Trump was very happy to announce during his run for the presidency "For the 1st time in American history, America's 16,500 border patrol agents have issued a presidential primary endorsement—me!"

 21.      Trump said, "Becoming the nominee of the party of Abraham Lincoln has been the greatest honor of my life."

 22.      During the transition period, the Obama Administration engaged in surveillance and information-gathering of Trump, to investigate any alleged ties to Russia. This was confirmed by GOP U.S. Representative Devin Nunes on March 22, 2017, and by Evelyn Farkas, the deputy assistant secretary of defense under Obama, on March 29, 2017

 23.      In the first Presidential debate, Trump said he'd release his tax returns once Hillary released her 33,000 deleted emails.

 24.      Despite expectations that Trump's election victory would cause the markets to plunge, the Dow Jones Industrial Average performed very strongly, closing at the highest level it had ever reached in history after the second day. It's rare for the stock market to rise immediately after a U.S. presidential election regardless of the winner. The stock market had its best week in five years due to optimism of a Trump presidency

 25.      With the historic flip of Elliott County, Kentucky, every rural, white-majority Southern county voted for the Republican nominee for the first time in history

 26.      Trump won more votes in the general election than any Republican candidate in U.S. history. 96% of campaign contributions from the media didn't go to Trump but went instead to Clinton

 27.      According to a study, 91% of the media coverage concerning Trump was negative when he was running for president

 28.      Trump had pledged, if elected president, to appoint a special prosecutor to further investigate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server whilst Secretary of State, but Hillary took her defeat so hard that Trump softened his stance after winning

 29.      Donald Trump spent $93 million on TV ads as opposed to Hillary's $253 million. However, Trump did far more free television appearances than Hillary

 30.      Governor Mike Huckabee, a candidate for the Republican nomination dropped out and said of how Trump defeated all the candidates, "Donald's strategy of dominating media coverage worked. Republican voters wanted to blow up the system, and Trump promised that. The rest of us could not get to know because the press was not interested in us. It was all about Donald and whatever attacks he was launching."

 31.      At the first Republican debate Trump had the most talking time at ten minutes, thirty-two seconds and Jeb Bush, who was considered the front runner, was second with eight minutes, thirty seconds.

 32.      Trump was strongly endorsed by the National Rifle Association in one of its earliest endorsements in an election campaign.

 33.      As president, Trump has promised to re-arm military personnel on all American military bases as well as ROTC recruitment centers, which were disarmed by the Clinton Administration.

 34.      In February 2011, Trump announced that he is pro-life, and at the final presidential debate on Oct. 19, 2016, Trump gave the strongest endorsement of the pro-life position of any presidential nominee in history.

 35.      President Donald Trump believes that millions of people voted illegally in the US election. He first made the claim in a tweet in late November 2016. A recent analysis of voting data agrees that Hillary Clinton may have received at least 800,000 votes from illegal aliens

 36.      From the day Trump declared he was running for president to the day he won was only 551 days

 37.      At the end of Trump and Hillary's second debate, they were asked to say something good about the other person. Hillary complimented the Trump children and Trump said Hillary was persistent: "she doesn't give up"

 38.      Liz Crokin is an entertainment journalist and covered Trump for a decade before he ran for office. She admits she can get paid "a lot of money" to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump but she never heard anything negative about him until he started running for President

 39.      The Super Tuesday (presidential primary), turnout was massive in 2016. The Republicans had 8.5 million votes compared to 4.7 in 2012 when Mitt Romney was the Republican headliner

 40.      Russia donated zero dollars to the Trump campaign but has donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation

 41.      About 82 million American's watched Trump and Hillary's first debate and 66 million watched the second

 42.      Similarly, to Reagan's slogan "Let's Make America Great," Trump himself chose to use "Make America Great Again"

 43.      When Trump was interviewed by Playboy magazine in 1990 about what political party he'd run as if he ever ran for president he responded, "Well, if I ever ran for office, I'd do better as a Democrat than as a Republican, and that's not because I'd be more liberal, because I'm conservative. But the working guy would elect me. He likes me. When I walk down the street, those cabbies start yelling out their windows." Studies of the 2016 election show that most working-class people did vote for Trump, has he predicted, even though he ran as a Republican

 44.      During Trump's first debate with Hillary the moderator, Lester Holt, interrupted Trump 41 times and only interrupted Hillary 7 times. This is also the debate where Hillary was given the questions days in advance by CNN's Donna Brazile

 45.      Donald Trump's first interview after announcing his bid for the 2016 presidential campaign was with Bill O'Reilly on The O'Reilly Factor. Bill's first question was about how Trump would defeat ISIS who which Trump talked about finding the best Generals to get the job done. When Bill pressed for specific details Trump responded, "I'm not telling you anything. And the reason I'm not is because I don't want (ISIS) to know the game plan"

 46.      Don Jr. was watching his father when the news outlets were declaring him the victor and said "My father does not show emotion. The magnitude of this had not yet hit him. Everyone around him was saying, 'l can't believe we won.' But he said very little. He just continued to watch the coverage"

 47.      Twenty-four million people watched the first Republican debate, the largest cable news audience in history with much of the credit given to Trump. Possibly the biggest sound bite of the night came when Megyn Kelly accused Trump of having referred to women as 'fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals to which Donald Trump comically responded, "Only Rosie O'Donnell"

 48.      Trump said that the reason he detested FOX News host Megyn Kelly so much during the 2016 race was that he felt she grilled him much harder than the other candidates and that she was using him to get famous

 49.      Donald Trump refused to be on the debate stage for the 7th Republican debate in 2016 because Megyn Kelly was to be a moderator. As a result, that debate had half the TV audience attendance

 50.      In an interview with Bill O'Reilly, Trump was asked if anything Hillary said during their first debate stuck out in his mind. Trump responded, l think there is...l saw when she's talking and talking about what she's going to do and how she's going to do it—I realized she's been doing this for 26 years to 30 years, and nothing ever gets done. Even when she went to the United States Senate from New York, she said she was gonna bring back jobs to New York, and it was a disaster. Upstate New York is a total disaster. And I started to say, "Wait a minute, Hillary, you've been there 26 years, and you haven't done it. Why all of a sudden are you gonna do it? You're not going to do it"

 51.      Two days before Trump and Hillary's second debate and only a month before the election video surfaced from 2005 of Trump having a lewd conversation about women. Trump issued the following statement, "I've never said I'm a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on the is more-than-a-decade-old video is one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don't reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize... We'll discuss this more in the coming days. See you at the debate." Trump also described the recorded conversation during the debate as "locker room talk" and reminded everyone about Hillary's husband's behavior. Before Trump and Hillary's second debate Trump held a press conference and the three women he invited to speak were Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broaddrick who have all accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct. They were then joined by Kathy Shelton, a rape victim at 12 years old whose assailant was represented by Hillary when she was a public defender. Trump was trying to show his supporters that there's a stark contrast between his "words" and the actual misdeeds of the Clintons

 52.      On election day 2016 the Clinton Campaign rented the Javits Center for it's anticipated victory party. The land under the center was sold to New York City by Donald Trump

 53.      Whereas Hillary had rented a stadium the day of the election with many big-name celebrities chosen to speak, Trump rented an intimate ballroom at the New York Hilton Midtown Hotel with no big speakers; although there was an ambitious man selling pretzels out front, but he had left by 7 pm.

 54.      In 2016 Trump won Michigan by a 0.2% margin, Pennsylvania by 0.7%, and Wisconsin by 0.8% all of which were swing states, and none had been won by a Republican for 20—30 years

 55.       Before Trump walked out onto the stage to give his victory speech the night of winning the 2016 Presidential election, he turned to a dear friend who congratulated him and said "We still have a long road to come, George. There's a long haul ahead"
