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2020 Rigged Election

Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand counting. It never will be as secure.

Other countries don't use electronic voting because they know it undermines confidence in democracy. A system cannot function if no one trusts the vote.

The 2020 presidential election was not fair, and no honest person would claim that it was. The system was rigged against one candidate and in favor of another.

The media openly colluded with the Democratic nominees.

Democrats used our public health emergency for nakedly partisan ends. They punished Trump supporters for trying to gather, but they exempted their own activists -- rioters and vandals from Black Lives Matter and Antifa -- from the COVID lockdowns entirely. The restrictions they did enforce crushed America's small businesses, the heart of the Republican Party, while making their own donors fantastically richer. Jeff Bezos alone saw his net worth jump by more than $70 billion during the pandemic.

Then, Democrats used the coronavirus to change the system of voting. They vastly increased the number of mail-in ballots because they knew their candidates would benefit from less secure voting. And they were right that made a huge difference in swing states like Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and others.

Democrats harnessed the power of Big Tech to help win this election. Virtually all news and all information in the English-speaking world travels through a single company, Google. A huge percentage of our political debates take place on Facebook and Twitter. If you use technology to censor the ideas that people are allowed to express online, ultimately, you control how the population votes. And that's exactly what they did. They rigged the election in front of all of us and nobody did anything about it.

In the lead-up to the election, thanks in part to the coronavirus pandemic that gripped the world, wide-ranging electoral reforms were implemented. Across the country at the state, local, and federal levels, political actors rammed through hundreds of structural changes to the manner and oversight of elections, resulting in what Time magazine would later call "a revolution in how people vote."

Some of these changes were enacted by state legislatures, some by courts, and others by state and county election officials. Many changes, allegedly justified by the global pandemic, were broad reforms that Democrats had long desired. The crisis was their chance to sneak in contentious policies through the back door.

Big Tech and the corporate political media manipulated the news to support certain political narratives while censoring stories they now admit were true. Courts were allowed to unilaterally rewrite the rules in the middle of the contest, without the consent of the legislative bodies charged with writing election laws.

Widespread mail-in voting led to fraud. Universal mail-in balloting made ballots harder to track, as some states bombarded addresses with ballots for previous residents who had moved out but hadn't been struck from the voter rolls. Lowering, or in some cases eliminating, standards for signature verification on mail-in ballots make it impossible to challenge those fraudulently cast. Third-party ballot harvesting allows voter fraud. Some states called for unsupervised drop boxes to replace or supplement ordinary polling stations. Nothing prevents those boxes from being tampered with, or, from being filled with fraudulent votes by bad actors

Social media platforms moved from extreme partisan bias to unabashed propaganda in defense of the Democratic Party. Completely legitimate story about international corruption involving the Biden family business—and implicating Joe Biden himself—was crushed by media and tech companies colluding to suppress it.

Observers were often misled about whether counting had stopped for the evening. Some were kept so far away from the ballot counting that courts had to intervene. As mail-in ballots came in and were accepted even when they were not properly filled out. The media dismissed all concerns about how the election was run without a lick of investigation.

The powers that be did whatever it took to prevent Trump from winning his re-election bid in 2020. They admitted as much in a victory lap masquerading as a news article in Time magazine that referred to the individuals and institutions behind the efforts to oust Trump as a "well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws steer media coverage and control the flow of information”.

Widespread privatization of election systems in key districts thanks to the efforts of leftist outlets funded by Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires. Multi-million-dollar grants to public election commissions, and the strings attached to them, were the means by which the left's sprawling voting activist arm took over huge parts of the 2020 election. These grants enabled the Democratic Party to run its get-out-the-vote operation through key cities and states. This private interference in the running of a national election had never before happened in the history of the country.

The political, media, and corporate establishments changed election laws and procedures, reduced, or eliminated the oversight of ballots, manipulated the COVID-19 response, stoked violent racial unrest, published fake news, censored accurate news, and did everything in their power to make sure what had happened in 2016—a Trump election victory—could not happen again in 2020.

Local officials radically altered the way Americans vote in the middle of an election for partisan advantage; an ostensibly free press that credulously and willfully published fake news to damage the president; politicized federal law enforcement agencies that abused the federal government's surveillance and investigative powers to smear Trump as a puppet of a foreign power; and an opposition party that coordinated all these smears and spent years trying to impeach and remove a duly elected president from office.

Those in control of America's most powerful institutions business, media, academia, bureaucracies, and even the FBI—are engaged in a permanent struggle against half the country to bring about radical social and political changes.

The tech platforms were rigged. Facebook and Twitter deplatformed some of Trump’s most powerful and influential online supporters. Others, observing what happened to their comrades, self-censored. In the leadup to 2020, Reddit took down the most popular Donald Trump forums. The president’s statements were publicly challenged by the platforms and made difficult to share.

The New York Post, founded by Alexander Hamilton, had their explosive story on Hunter Biden censored and their account frozen by Twitter while Facebook censored it from newsfeeds. And of course, immediately after their successful coup, Big Tech dropped all pretense, banning the sitting president himself, and preventing him from talking to the American people from his most powerful communications channel.

The debates were rigged. The Presidential Debate Commission had no Trump supporters on it. Yet we were supposed to assume the debates were “fair” despite the obvious bias in the moderators’ questions and subjects.

The public polls were rigged—and private pollsters were afraid to get crosswise of media polls. For the second straight election, Trump’s support was badly understated. These polls helped build a consensus narrative that was highly unfavorable to the president.

The voting process was rigged. Numbers of rejected mail-in ballots were often an order of magnitude lower this year than in previous years. With mail-in voting being overwhelmingly done by Democrats, this was a tremendous partisan advantage. The extension of voting to weeks, rather than having it conducted only on Election Day or over a couple of days again helped the Democrats bring out their marginal voters. There were extensions of balloting before and beyond dates allowed in state constitutions. That’s to say nothing of ballot harvesting and ballot “curing” done on heretofore unprecedented scales.

The media was rigged. They relentlessly pushed Russian collusion conspiracy theories for four years while failing seriously to ask even the most basic questions of Biden concerning his mental acuity, frequent “lids,” and his views on critical policy positions such as a radical plan to pack the Supreme Court. Biden had an almost 50-year record filled with many scandals, and the media refused to interrogate it.

The handling of COVID was rigged. From “two weeks to slow the spread” transforming into months of lockdowns, to the fact that numerous re-openings of schools, businesses, and other public forums conveniently occurred shortly after Biden took office. The lockdowns were particularly devastating to small businesses whose owners made up a powerful Trump constituency, while Biden’s Big Tech backers made billions and his government employee supporters, including powerful teachers’ unions still drew their paychecks. Months of Black Lives Matter riots were encouraged by all of the institutions of our society—even public health officials during the heart of the pandemic. Corporations gave BLM organizations more than $10 billion in 2020. These demonstrations and shows of raw, unchecked, left-wing power energized the Democrats’ base while the inaction of the authorities to stop it discouraged others.

In 2016, absentee and mail-in ballots accounted for roughly 33 million of the 140 million ballots counted. In 2020, more than 100 million of the 159 million ballots counted were cast prior to Election Day, including by early voting.

Note the closeness of the race: just 44,000 votes in three states, a total of 0.013 percent of the total votes cast nationwide, would have needed to be switched from Biden to Trump to have handed President Trump a victory.

In a free and fair U.S. election, Donald Trump would have been reelected easily.
