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Donald Trump Quotes

     1.      “You have to think anyway, so why not think BIG”

     2.      “No dream is too big, no challenge too great, nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach”

     3.      “I took a lot of finance courses at Wharton. First they taught you all the rules and regulations. Then they taught you that those rules and regulations are really meant to be broken”

     4.      “Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game”

     5.      "What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate"

     6.      "In real life, if I were firing you, I'd tell you what a great job you did, how fantastic you are, and how you can do better someplace else. If somebody steals, that's different, but generally speaking, you want to let them down as lightly as possible. It's not very pleasant thing. I don't like firing people"

     7.      "I'm the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters"

     8.      "What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will by forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now"

     9.      "It's not like I'm anti-China. I just think it's ridiculous that we allow them to do what they're doing to this country, with the manipulation of the currency, that you write about and understand, and all of the other things that they do"

 10.      "l grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples. It breeds tolerance”

 11.      "l think Ronald Reagan was one of the great presidents, period, not just recently. I thought he had the demeanor. I thought he had the bearing. I thought he had the thought process.

 12.      "A little more moderation would be good. Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation.

 13.      "If you love what you do, if you love going to the office, if you really like it - not just say it, but really like it - it keeps you young and energized. I really love what I do”

 14.      "If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead, make your work more pleasurable"

 15.      "l think I will be a great president having to do with the military and also having to do with taking care of our vets"

 16.      "The pact we have with Japan is interesting. Because if somebody attacks us, Japan does not have to help. If somebody attacks Japan, we have to help Japan"

 17.      "l describe Jeb Bush as a 'low-energy' individual, and unfortunately for him, that stuck. And it's true: he's a low- energy person. That doesn't make him a bad person"

 18.      In 2019 when a French reporter asked Trump why he thought the U.S. has such a low unemployment rate compared to France, Trump responded, "Well... maybe we have a better President than you do"

 19.      "In the end, you're measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish"
