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Pro-Life Agenda Facts

President Trump defunded a United Nations agency for colluding with China's program of forced abortion and sterilization.

April 13, 2017. President Trump signed a Congressional Review bill into law annulling a recent Obama administration regulation that would have prohibited states from discriminating in awarding Title X family planning funds based on whether the local clinic also performs abortions (some states adopted rules which distribute federal family planning funds on the condition that the organizations do not perform abortions). The Act was called "the first major national pro-life bill in more than a


President Trump overturned the Obama administration's midnight regulation prohibiting states from defunding certain abortion facilities.

Trump favored modifying the 2016 Republican platform opposing abortion, to allow for exceptions in cases of rape, incest, and circumstances endangering the health of the mother.

Donald Trump signed an executive order to help ensure that religious organizations are not forced to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare's contraceptive mandate or shutting their doors.

April 20, 2018. The Trump Administration ended the Obama-era policy of listing abortion as a "human right" in the State Department's annual human rights report, and it added a section on population control.

February 22, 2019. The Trump Administration released its final rule for a policy to defund any clinic that either provides abortions or refers people to abortion clinics, something that would reduce Planned Parenthood funding by about $60 million.

Trump signed an order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which defunded International Planned Parenthood and other organizations that promote foreign abortions. The Organization of American States was the first organization to lose American funding because of the new policy.

April 4, 2017. The Trump Administration halted U.S. funding of the UN Population Fund, which has links to inhumane abortion programs such as China's one-child policy, Instead, the $32.5 million was shifted to the U.S. Agency for International Development.

May 4, 2017. On the annual National Day of Prayer, President Trump signed an executive order on religious liberty. Among its provisions, it loosened IRS restrictions against political activities by tax-exempt religious organizations, effectively weakening the Johnson Amendment; and it attempted to make it easier for employers not to provide contraceptives if they had religious objections. The order gave conservative Attorney General Jeff Sessions greater authority regarding religious liberty policy. Although well-received by some Christians and conservatives, others criticized it for being ineffective and easy to repeal. According to the Family Research Council nearly one year later, the order helped faith-based groups give healthcare coverage to 13.7 million Americans, among other positive effects.

President Trump appointed several pro-life advocates to the Department of Health and Human Services positions. In late March 2017, he appointed Scott Lloyd to lead the HHS's Office of Refugee Resettlement, which led the fight against allowing illegal immigrants obtaining abortions. On April 28, 2017, President Trump appointed Dr. Charmaine Yoest, a strong pro-life advocate and the former president of Americans United for Life, to the position of assistant secretary of public affairs for the Department of Health and Human Services, replacing a strong Planned Parenthood supporter. In late May, Trump appointed Shannon Royce, who formerly served in the Family Research Council and the Southern Baptists' Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, to the HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Around May 1 , 2017, President Trump appointed Teresa Manning, a pro-life advocate who worked for the Family Research Council and the National Right to Life, to be the HHS deputy assistant secretary for population affairs. In July 2017, President Trump appointed Bethany Kozma, a strong conservative activist who reportedly stated on March 2018 that the U.S. "is a pro-life country" at a private United Nations meeting, as Senior Adviser in the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment division of USAID. President Trump continued making pro-life political appointments. For example, in June 2018, he appointed Dr. Diane Foley, a pro-life OB/GYN, to run the HHS's family planning program. In November 2018, President Trump appointed Dr. Maureen Condic, a pro-life neurobiologist to the National Science Board.

January 27, 2017. Vice President Mike Pence became the first vice president in United States history to speak at the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. Additionally, Trump senior advisor Kellanne Conway also spoke at the event, and Trump himself strongly expressed his support for the march. Then in January of 2018, President Trump became the first incumbent U.S. president to speak to the March for Life via live video feed, speaking strongly against abortion. He also became the third incumbent president to speak to the rally at all, with the first two, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. In 2019 Both President Trump and Vice President Pence made surprise appearances — with Trump speaking through a video feed — at the March for Life, making more strong pro-life statements.

February 5, 2019. In his State of the Union Address, President Trump strongly condemned abortion, stating that "all children — born and unborn — are made in the holy image of God," and he called on Congress to ban late-term abortions.

February 7, 2019. Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Trump, among other statements, called for "a culture that cherishes dignity and sanctity of

innocent human life."

February 14, 2019. President Trump met with several pro- life advocates in the Oval Office, expressing his support for their efforts.

Among other statements defending the sanctity of life, President Trump strongly criticized Democrats for voting against criminalizing infanticide. Other Trump Administration officials spoke against pro-abortion policies, including Vice President Mike Pence and HUD Secretary Ben Carson.

April 2018. When President Trump declared this month National Child Abuse Prevention Month, he included unborn children in his proclamation, stating that "they are endowed from conception with value, purpose, and human dignity."

May 22, 2018. President Trump spoke at the Susan B. Anthony list's annual gala and gave a strong pro-life speech.

The Trump administration proposed new regulations to ensure Title X family planning funding does not go to projects that perform, support or refer patients for abortion. This ensures that taxpayers do not fund the abortion industry in violation of the law and would make sure that grants would also not be used for abortions. Because of the Trump Administration's Title X grant reforms, federal government funding of Planned Parenthood fell significantly in 2019.

On April 23, 2019. Trump successfully got the UN to remove pro-abortion language from a sexual violence resolution.

July 2017. President Trump appointed Bethany Kozma, a conservative homemaker and anti-transgender activist as Senior Adviser in the Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment division of USAID.

March 29, 2019. The Trump Administration announced that for 2019 it would give a $1.7 million grant — money that likely would have originally gone to Planned Parenthood — to the Obria Group, a crisis pregnancy center which opposes abortion and contraceptives, and it would continue giving grants through 2022.

January 22, 2018. President Trump proclaimed this day National Sanctity of Human Life Day and he did so again in 2019.

February 15, 2019. President Trump commemorated Susan B. Anthony's birthday, noting that "pursuit for equal rights demands respect for all human life, including

innocent unborn babies."
