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Favorite works #45

“Marriage Counselor”

ALTHOUGH NORMAN ROCKWELL TENDS to avoid extreme situations in his art, he does not attempt to present a world that is devoid of conflict. Many of his best works derive their energy from the differences of opinion that erupt in everyday life. In particular, Rockwell has never suggested that married life is a bed of roses. Domestic squabbles and disappointments have long been one of his stocks in trade. Seldom, however, has he given us cause to think that his marriage partners were in danger of being driven to consult with a marriage counselor.

The couple who find themselves in this counselor's waiting room seem so young that it is impossible for us to feel that their problems are too advanced to be solved. We can tell from their clothes that they are taking this visit very seriously. His pose, with arms stiffly folded, suggests that he is doing his best to remain unmoved. Her sidelong glance signals that she may be a little more flexible. We are encouraged to think, in fact, that if the counselor leaves them in this waiting room for long enough, they might well resolve their differences without his intervention.

The composition is interesting and rather unusual. Half of the painting is taken up by the office door, which, in its blankness, seems to symbolize the unknown territory they are about to enter.


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