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Favorite works #40

“Shuffleton’s Barber”

IF WE WERE TO MAKE A LIST OF Rockwell's half-dozen finest works, "Shuffleton's Barbershop" would have to be included. He succeeded here, perhaps more than in any other work, in blending the demands of illustration with the concerns of the fine artist. This painting was made for a Post cover and obeys all the rules of storytelling that we associate with his cover art. But Rockwell might just as well have painted it for his own pleasure, and it could hang on a gallery wall without seeming in any way out of place.

Never has Rockwell lavished more affection on an interior. We do not doubt for one moment that we are being given a glimpse of a real barbershop. (The artist, in fact, used dozens of photographs to ensure the accuracy of every detail.) But this scene is more than just a documentary record of a charming American barbershop. Rockwell imbues it with a tremendous warmth. We sense his deep involvement with the subject matter.

By placing the window frame and the cracked pane of glass in the foreground, Rockwell was able to create an illusion of depth that greatly enhances his treatment of the scene. The lighting too is beautifully considered. In fact, every element of this painting seems to have been weighed with great care.


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