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Coincidences with my dad

Harry Wolever

   1.          Born the same year December 8, 1894 (Rockwell was born February 3, 1894).

   2.          Was a house painter, decorator and did some sign painting (Rockwell family had house painter). Made this hand carved shop model:

   3.          Wife died in 1953 at age 50, (Rockwell’s wife died in 1959 at age 51).

   4.          Had 3 children, (Rockwell had 3 children).

   5.          Participated in world war I (as did Rockwell).

VFW cemetery honors at Dad funeral

   6.          They both spent time in the military hospital. Dad had a wound; Rockwell had the Spanish flu.

   7.          Died November 13, 1974, of emphysema (Rockwell also died of emphysema, November 8, 1978).
