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Cathy & Scott Church 40th Anniversary Plaque

A picture containing text, sign, wooden, old

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Solid walnut 8 ˝ x 12

Ruby (above Holly Hill) added as traditional 40th gift


A popular Norman Rockwell golden plate.

Norman Rockwell’s illustrations commissioned for Mark Twain’s classic novels, ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ and ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’. More Norman Rockwell information

Tom Sawyer and his friend Becky Thatcher at the moment Becky realizes they are lost in a large cave, with only a few candles for light. Rockwell seemed to have natural instincts in portraying the human nature aspect of our lives. He has depicted Becky as much smaller than Tom, with a tiny little face that expresses the drama of that moment, when her fear has suddenly overwhelmed her. Becky looks frail and helpless, while clinging tight to Tom. A wide-eyed Tom strains to look beyond the limited candle light, without a clue where they are headed. They both look small and helpless in a frightening situation. Tom's body language is rigid, emphasizing the tension and fear of the moment.

I recognized this illustration reflecting feelings like initial marriage.


The marriage took place at Holly Hill in Wisconsin

Back side with keyhole for mounting on wall

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