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A picture containing table, indoor, container, box

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The assembled package uses game pieces held together with tiny magnets.


The three larger pieces (12x15) make up the action board. Called the action board because it is used for measuring the result of each simulated golf ball strike.  They are constructed with 5/8-inch shelving pressboard with a metal sheet on one side (covered with printed scale) which attracts the magnetic simulated golf ball (dampens ball roll).


Remove the two top 12x15 pieces, join with tongue and grove, lay flat with printed scale side up on tabletop or adequate playing surface.





Remove the course side pieces, 2 fairway (5 ½ x15) and 4 end pieces (5 ½ x 5 ½) used for tee off and hole areas of the course.


 A picture containing text, indoor, wooden, wood

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The bottom piece end contains a little groove adapter (12x5/8) that needs to be removed (used later).


 A picture containing text

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Fold the swing structure upright and tighten the black knobs (on both sides).


A picture containing text

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Join with the other 2 action board pieces (scale side up). The 3 pieces fit together forming the action board (about 12x46). Place the little groove adapter at far end of action board (magnet side down) as a ball stop.



A picture containing text, table

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The remaining sides (2) and ends (4) of box make up the simulated golf course. These course pieces can be rearranged to form several different course configurations.


The sides (5 ½ x15) snap together (non-routed edges together) forming the fairway.


Chart, surface chart

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Of the 4 end pieces, 2 form the tee off area connecting to the front of the fairway.




The other 2 form the greens at the other end of fairway




The end pieces connect to the fairway completing a course.


Example 1


Example 2


Example 3


Example 4


Within the game box there will be game play accessories.

1.        Clubs, 1 wood, 1-3 iron, 1-9 iron 1 wedge, 1 putter (can be stored in holes on upper ledge of swing structure)



             2.         Simulated tee

A picture containing metalware

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Tiny magnet placed under the black magnetic ball (simulated golf ball).


             3.         Actual golf tees used as pegs on the course board



             4.         Simulated tree, used to position as obstacle when operating the simulated golf swing.


Has magnetic base for anchoring on action board.


Simulated tree as obstruction.


             5.         Simulated grass platform


A picture containing floor, indoor, chair, wooden

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             6.         Simulated sand trap platform


A picture containing table, floor, indoor, wooden

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             7.         Simulated hole (magnet disk with flag)


A sword on a green surface

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             8.         Golf score sheets



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Load EXCEL spreadsheet (then PRINT)


9.         User Guide


Load PDF (then print)


          10.         Extra balls

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