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Basic golf rules apply.


After operating the pendulum swing the resulting location of the simulated golf ball on the action board determines the amount and direction of the course board peg movement.


The action board scale shows the distance and left or right travel.  Each 10 yard represents one peg position. For example, 50 yards forward and 10 yards right would be marked as 5 peg holes forward and one right. The peg begins at the course tee off position. If a peg lands on an occupied peg, that peg is advanced one peg position in direction of hole.


If ball leaves the action board, player must repeat swing and count extra stroke.


If driven ball attaches to simulated hole (magnet), consider ball pocketed.


If pegged position is in a pond, move peg to nearest land peg hole, add one to stroke count.


When multiple players reach the green, the player closest plays next.


If pegged position is off the course board, stay at the edge position and add one to stroke count.


The swing function must conform to the course situation.

Tee off

Player can use the simulated tee, a tiny magnet under the ball directly on the metal surface of the swing platform.

Normal fairway

Player cannot use the simulated tee. Can swing from the metal platform or can use simulated grass platform.

Sand trap

Player must use the simulated sand trap.

Tree obstacle

Player must position simulated tree at front of swing platform like the fairway situation.


Player can use any club or platform. The simulated hole must be placed on the action board in proximity of the hole relative to the course peg position. Hole is made when ball attaches to simulated hole. The flag can be removed if desired.

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