Events Rules

Definition of terms:

1.           BORDER – the walnut inlay that frames the playing area.

2.           COMMUNITY PILE – where unused tile are placed. Add to bottom, pick from top.

3.           EVENT – part of a theme that organizes object of a question set.

4.           LAUNCH POINT - any unoccupied position on border frame.

5.           LOOP – when trail has no end position (continues to repeat path).

6.           MARKER – peg used to remember location of trip progress.

7.           PATH –one of six engraved bezier curves on a tile.

8.           PEG – cylindrical golf tee shaped piece used to fit in a hole.

9.           PLAYING AREA – where the tile are placed during game play.

10.     THEME – defines the elements of a story being the subject of the events.

11.     TRAIL – following the connected tile paths.

12.     TRIP – advancing trail marker until forced off of game board.

13.     TILE – hexagon shaped wooden disk containing 6 paths per side.

14.     RACIST TILE – 6 tile have colored paths, wrong marker color causes trip end.


Primary game board allows for 2, 3 or 4 players. Use of the game package cover, containing extra event pegging paths allows for a 5th or 6th player.


Each theme defines a set of events (max 30) and set of 10 questions for each event.


The events position is maintained using individual color matching player pegs on the boards event pegging paths (players 1 – 4) or the extended pegging path (from package cover) for players 5 and 6.


Wooden hexagon tile are used to guide player trips across the board.  The strategy is to stay on the trip as long as possible.  When finally forced to exit the board, the event peg is advanced. When the last event position is exceeded the player is out of the game. The players remaining tile is returned to the bottom of the community tile pile. The last player to remain wins the game.


After exiting a board trip the player decrements the event peg position and starts a new trip at next turn (unless already pegged out). Marker is returned to the home position.


Each time a player starts a trip, a question based upon players current event position must be answered correctly. Failure to correctly answer the question results in immediate trip end.


Questions are selected using the units position of the selected starting tile number.  Each tile has six edges, each edge has two trail options on both top and bottom sides (24 options). Each tile is numbered 01-49.  Unit position “0” is considered 10 (1 – 9 is 1 – 9).


If the question is answered correctly the player places marker on the selected tile path entry.  The tile is placed anywhere on the boards unoccupied border position. The current players marker is repositioned to the end of path. If another plays marker is encountered, it forces the other players trip end (event peg decremented and marker returned to home position).


Subsequent turns add more tiles adjacent to current marker and subsequent moving of marker until the only remaining option ends the trip


Starting the game:

Each player is given 2 color coded pegs. Each player positions event peg at starting position (equals game theme number of events). The current event position peg determines the set of questions for the start of each trip.


Each player stores the other peg (Marker) at the home position.


Each player picks one tile from the top of the community tile pile.


Play begins with youngest player


Each new trip:

Player picks another tile from the top of the community pile. Then choses which starting tile (two in possession) and which side of tile. Marker is placed at selected tile path (entry position).


Each tile side has an assigned number used to associate the question that will be used for the start of new trip. Only the units position of the tile number is used to determine the question (1-9, 0 being 10).


Failure to correctly answer question ends player turn and player peg event is reduced by one position. The starter tile is returned to the bottom of community tile pile.


Only after correct answer; place tile in position at chosen launch point (any unoccupied position on border circle) and move the marker to the end of chosen trail position. Any player markers encountered are forced to end of trip.  If the selected trail results in an unending loop, it is an automatic end of trip with all opposing player’s event position being decremented (excluding player causing the loop). All loop related tiles are returned to the community tile pile.


Tile with path colors (Racist tile) requires match of marker color to use peg hole, else forced end of path. The end of trip effected tile are returned to the community tile pile.


If adjacent tile has another player marker it is also advanced to the end of path. If off board or wrong racist tile color, is an automatic end of trip (decrements event position). An endless loop is treated the same as current player, end of trip and opposing player event position(s) decremented.


Each subsequent turn:

The next person in clockwise rotation.

Player picks another tile from the top of the community tile pile. Decides which tile (of the 2) and which side and edge to play (24 options). The selected tile is placed adjacent to tile of owned marker.


The marker is then moved to the path end. If that position is occupied by another players marker that players trip is forced to end.


If the selected trail results in any players unending loop, it is an automatic end of trip with event position(s) of opposing players decremented.


If the new tile also aligns with another existing tile with another players marker, that marker is moved to the end position. If end position for any player(s) is off the board it is an automatic end of trip. If wrong racist path color it forces trip end. If endless loop, any player ends trip with event position of other players decremented.


End of trip:

Player adjusts the event peg location. Normally the position is decremented. When there are no more peg positions the game is over for that player. Tile marker is returned to players home position awaiting next turn. The tile causing the trail end is returned to the community tile pile.


For the special case when a path endless loop caused the trip end, only the event peg location of the opposing players are decremented (strategic advantage). All unoccupied tiles connected to the trail that resulted in a loop are removed from board and added to the bottom of the community tile pile. If tile is difficult to lift, try using a metal object to attract the tile magnets.



Winning the game:

Become the only player remaining.



1.    Answer questions successfully to avoid forced trip end.

2.    Prolong trips as long as possible to delay event decrement.

3.    Cause other players trip end.  Attack especially the player with better event position. The racist tiles can be especially useful.

4.  Cause endless path loop to decrement opposing players event position.


Shortened game:

Changing the amount, the event position is decremented will greatly affect the length of the game. Agree at the start of game on the amount, such as 2 or 3 etc., (normally 1).

Having fewer players reduces the time between turns, however it also reduces the jeopardy of forced trip ends (event position decrements).
