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Bob’s job history

Event 20 Landscaping 1984


01 Where was the landscaping company?



A. Woodstock GA



B.  New Berlin, WI



C.  Brookfield WI



D. Waukesha WI



02 What kind of work?



A. New construction property



B.  Private home upgrades



C.  Business property upgrades



D. All of the above



03 How far from home?



A. Up to.5 miles



B.  Up to 10 miles



C.  Up to 25 miles



D. Up to 50 miles



04 How did he find the job?



A. Ad in the paper



B.  Realestate agents husband



C.  Friend working there



D. Highschool advisor



05 What equipment did he use?



A. Riding mower



B.  Rake and shovel



C.  Bulldozer



D. Forklift



06 What did he drive to work?


A. 1976 Monte Carlo



B.  Red Ford pickup truck



C.  His new S10 pickup truck



D. Jeep



07 How many workers in crew?


A. Just Bob and his boss



B.  3 - 5



C.  Depended on job



D. 3 - 4 during week, 6 on weekend



08 What was his bosses name?


A. Joe



B.  Paul



C.  Kirt



D. Trent



09 How old was Bob?


A. 18



B.  19



C.  20



D. 21



10 Why was Bob driving a new 1984 S10?


A. Purchased from lawsuit settlement



B.  Highschool graduation gift



C. Savings from previous jobs



D. Won it in Wisconsin lottery 



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