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Bob’s job history

Event 19 Sheriff’s deputy 1984


01 Where was he working?






A. Woodstock GA






B.  Canton GA






C.  Marieta GA






D. Kennesaw GA






02 What kind of work?



A. Store security






B.  911 calls






C.  Jail tennant & prisoner transport






D. All of the above






03 How far from home?






A. About 3 miles






B.  About 7 miles






C.  About 11 miles






D. About 15 miles






04 How did he find the job?






A. Ad in the paper






B.  Real estate agents husband






C.  Friend working there






D. Joe Sanches






05 What equipment did he use?



A. Colt 45 handgun






B.  Handcuffs






C.  Squad car






D. All of the above






06 What did he drive to work?





A. 1976 Monte Carlo






B.  Red Ford pickup truck






C.  S10 pickup truck






D. Jeep






07 How many jail cells?





A. 5






B.  10






C.  15






D. 25






08 What was his bosses name?





A. Joe Arpalo






B.  Moe Ballard






C.  Kirt Zimmerman






D. Trent Bacon






09 How old was Bob?





A. 18






B.  19






C.  20






D. 21






10 How much job training?



A. Sent to a 2 week training class



B.  Was given a manual



C. Learned on the job



D. Attended a 3 month police academy 



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