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Bob’s job history

Event 18 Lake Arrowhead 1985


01 Where is Lake Arrowhead?

A.         South of Waukesha WI

B.         2 miles SW of Waleska GA

C.          Cherokee County, GA

D.        All the above

02 Which is not true?

A.         Two lakes and marina

B.         18 hole Golf course

C.          Established in the 1950’s

D.        Swimming pool and clubhouse

03 Which was not one of Bob’s jobs?

A.         Cleaning the swimming pool

B.         Roadside mowing

C.          Servicing golf carts

D.        Maintenance

04 How big is Lake Arrowhead lake?

A.         About 50 acres

B.         About 200 acres

C.          About 500 acres

D.        Nearly 1,000 acres

05 How far from home?

A.         9.5 miles

B.         12 miles

C.          18 miles

D.        23 miles

06 What event caused trip to emergency?

A.  Inhaled smoke fighting roadside fire started by mower

B.  Mower accident

C. Got hit in the head by golf club

D. Fight with fellow worker

07 Average depth of Lake Arrowhead?

A.         100 feet

B.         80 feet

C.          60 feet

D.        25 feet

08 Where is Lake Arrowhead?

A.         Two miles SW from Waleska GA

B.         Near Bear mountain

C.          Northwestern Cherokee county GA

D.        All of the above

09 Originally known by local residents as

A.         Lost Town

B.         Small Valley

C.          Pucket

D.        Waleska

10 Maximum depth of Lake Arrowhead?

A.         80 feet

B.         123 feet

C.          186 feet

D.        205 feet

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