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Bob’s job history

Event 17 Machine shop 1987


01 What was the name of the company?

A.         D&A Machine shop

B.         J&R Tooling

C.          Piolax Corporation

D.        Burrel Enterprises

02 Where was is located?

A.         Canton GA

B.         Woodstock GA

C.          Marietta GA

D.        Holly Springs GA

03 Was it a union shop?

A.         Yes

B.         No

04 How many employees?

A.         About 50

B.         More than 500

C.          About 150

D.        Less than 35

05 Type of work?

A.         Operating a machine

B.         Receiving dock

C.          Quality assurance

D.        Information Technology

06 What type of material did Bob work with?

A.         Aluminum

B.         Sheet metal

C.          Rebar

D.        Stainless steel

07 Why did he leave this job?

A.         Too little pay

B.         Dangerous work

C.          Personality conflict

D.        We moved to Tennessee

08 Country origin of Piolax?

A.         United States

B.         China

C.          Korea

D.        Japan

09 Where did Bob live?

A.         Apartment in Canton

B.         With his grandmother

C.          With Joe Sanchez

D.        At Sixes Rd home

10 What vehicle did he drive?

A.         S10 pickup

B.         Jeep

C.          1976 Monte Carlo

D.        Red Ford pickup

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