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Bob’s job history

Event 16 Shady Cove Resort 1989


01 What was previous job?

A.         Machine shop in GA

B.         Landscaping in GA

C.          Lake Arrowhead

D.        Home Depot

02 Which is not true?

A.         Had a restaurant

B.         Was a campground

C.          Had a tennis court

D.        Rented boat slips

03 Located on the shores of?

A.         Cumberland river

B.         Old Hickory Lake

C.          Cordell Hull Reservoir

D.        Castilian Springs

04 About how far from Nashville?

A.         20 miles

B.         30 miles

C.          40 miles

D.        50 miles

05 Who was the Forman?

A.         Tommy Jennings

B.         Ed Jennings

C.          Greg Coalman

D.        Annette Jadish

06 Who ran the restaurant?

A.         Ex NFL football player

B.         Margarette Wallace

C.          Ed Jennings

D.        Annette Jadish

07 Which did not happen?

A.         Boat fire

B.         Motorcycle fire

C.          Country Western shows

D.        Flood

08 Who owned the shore?

A.         Tennessee DNR

B.         Wolever’s

C.          Army corp of engineers

D.        Ed Jennings

09 What was not true about Marina store?

A.         Floated on the water

B.         Required GFI receptacles

C.          Had to enter store to access boat slips

D.        Also served as campground office

10 How many boat slips?

A.         About 35

B.         About 50

C.          About 75

D.        About 100

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