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Bob’s job history

Event 15 Kmart 1990


01 Where was it?

A.         Gallatin TN

B.         Marietta GA

C.          Nashville TN

D.        Woodstock GA

02 What department?

A.         Receiving

B.         Pharmacy

C.          Garden center

D.        Men’s ware

03 Where was Bob living?

A.         At Shady Cove Resort

B.         RV park

C.          With Connie’s parents

D.        Rental apartment

04 What was Bob’s previous job?

A.         Machine shop

B.         Lake Arrowhead

C.          Shady Cove Resort

D.        Landscaping

05 Was Bob married at the time?

A.         Yes

B.         No

06 How old was Bob?

A.         20

B.         22

C.          24

D.        26

07 Where is Kmart headquartered?

A.         Illinois

B.         New York

C.          Texas

D.        Tennessee

08 What was previous name for Kmart?

A.         Kingmart

B.         Treasure Island

C.          Kresge Corporation

D.        K-market

09 First Kmart named store opened?

A.         1962

B.         1977

C.          1981

D.        1989

10 Kmart is known…

A.         for blue light specials

B.         as variety store

C.          as big box department store

D.        as Woolworth like

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