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Bob’s job history

Event 10 T&T Transport 2000


01 Where is trucking company located?

A.         Danbury WI

B.         Webb Lake WI

C.          Webster WI

D.        Hertel WI

02 What did Bob drive?

A.         Dump truck

B.       Logging truck

C.          Logging truck and dump truck

D.        Log loading equipment

03 Superior to Duluth bridge that Bob drove logging truck over?





04 What type of truck did Bob drive?




D.        All of the above

05 Was Bob required to join a union?

A.         No

B.         Yes

06 Why was logging mainly in winter?

A.         Leaves are off the trees

B.         Fewer trucking jobs

C.          Frozen ground allows access

D.        Fewer road load limits

07 What was main use for logs?

A.         Utility poles

B.         Firewood

C.          Production of particle board

D.        Construction lumber

08 Where was Bob living?

A.         Aframe near Spooner

B.         Apartment in Danbury

C.          With Semo’s in Gordon

D.        Campground in Siren

09 What happened at the Aframe?

A.         Bob got snowed in

B.         Bear destroyed bird feeder

C.          Water leak from frozen pipe

D.        Chimney fire

10 How did his logging career end?

A.         Trucking accident

B.         Checked himself in to rehab

C.          Could not handle the cold

D.        Fight with his boss

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