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Bob’s job history

Event 09 Hurley Trucking 2002


01 Which is not a Hurley truck?





02 What did Hurley trucks carry?

A.         U.S. Mail

B.       General Freight

C.          Paper products

D.        All of the above

03 What did Bob’s truck carry?

A.         U.S. Mail

B.         General Freight

C.          Newspapers

D.        Newspaper printing stock

04 How many trucks owned by Hurley?

A.         About 6

B.         About 15

C.          More than 35

D.        Zero, all leased

05 Union membership required?

A.         No

B.         Yes

06 About how many drivers?

A.         12

B.         More than 35

C.          30

D.        18

07 About how many miles a day?

A.         200 Prescott and back

B.         230, Sedona and back

C.          300, Flagstaff and back

D.        330, Prescott, Flagstaff and back

08 What happened one night?

A.         Hit an Elk

B.         Tire blowout

C.          Lost brakes

D.        Side swiped car

09 Reason for quitting driving for Hurley?

A.         Trucks were old and dangerous

B.         Offered a better paying dock job

C.          Offered better hours dock job

D.        All of the above

10 What significant event happened while working for Hurley?

A.         Recorded 500,000 trucking miles

B.         Met live in girlfriend - Francis

C.          Purchased home

D.        911 attack

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