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Bob’s job history

Event 08 US mail trucking 2007


01 Name of trucking company?

A.         James Malcolm

B.         A G T

C.          Albert Dupuy

D.        All In Trucking

02 Where was it based?

A.         Rim Rock

B.         Cottonwood

C.          Camp Verde

D.        Jerome

03 What was the normal route?

A.         Cottonwood to Phoenix

B.         Flagstaff to Phoenix

C.          Payson to Phoenix

D.        Cottonwood, Prescott, Phoenix

04 What type of truck?





05 Union membership required?

A.         Yes

B.         No

06 What did Bob hate about this job?

A.         Sleeping in slum area in Phoenix

B.         Mechanical condition of truck

C.          Bosses attitude

D.        All of the above

07 Duties in addition to driving?

A.         Check cargo manifest

B.         Prepare bill of lading

C.          Assist with loading and unloading

D.        None of the above

08 Contractor prequalifying requirements?

A.         Submit 3 months of bank statements

B.         All tractor trailer driver records

C.          DOT transportation documents

D.  Must have established business

E.        All of the above

09 Where was Bob living?

A.         At Camp Verde with parents

B.         Camp Verde apartment

C.          With significant other

D.        Riverside campground

10 What did Bob use to drive to work?





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