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Bob’s job history

Event 07 Hughes Supply 2008


01 Where was Hughes Supply?

A.         Clarksdale AZ

B.         Woodstock AZ

C.          Cottonwood AZ

D.        Rim Rock AZ

02 What did Hughes supply sell?

A.         Auto parts

B.       Plumbing supplies

C.          Landscaping equipment

D.        Sportsman’s supplies

03 What kind of truck did Bob drive?





04 What was Bob’s first job at Hughes?

A.         Inventory

B.         Installing warehouse shelving

C.          Delivering water heaters

D.        Relocation of the facility

05 Was it a union shop?

A.         Yes

B.         No

06 What did they not sell?

A.         HVAC

B.         Water heaters

C.          Valves and faucets

D.        Dishwashers

07 Their primary sales were?

A.         To contractors

B.         Mail order

C.          Insurance recovery

D.        Government contracts

08 Bob’s issue with Hughes?

A.         Difficult boss

B.         Lack of delivery equipment

C.          Delivery of heavy products alone

D.        All of the above

09 What did I buy from Hughes Supply for the greenhouse?

A.         Valve

B.         Faucet

C.          Evaporative cooler fan motor

D.        Tank for goldfish

10 What was across the street from Hughes Supply?

A.         Walmart

B.         Golf course

C.          Lumber company

D.        Cottonwood airport

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