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Bob’s job history

Event 05 Dollar General Camp Verde AZ 2011


01 Where was DG store located?

A.         Part of Bashas shopping center

B.         Finnie Flat Rd

C.          Just West of I17

D.        Across from Trails End RV Park

02 What was Bob’s duties?

A.         Stock the shelves

B.       Checkout cashier

C.        Clean floors and bathrooms

D.        Balance daily sales

E.   Key holder, security contact

F.   All of the above

03 Approximately how many Dollar General stores?

A.         15,000

B.         2,500

C.          5,000

D.        27,000

04 Which was Bob’s store?





05 Did Bob have an employee discount?

A.         Yes

B.         No

06 Where did Bob live?

A.         At home on Godard Ln

B.         With girl friend

C.          At campground

D.        Apartment near the casino

07 What did DG stores not sell?

A.         Produce

B.         Alcohol

C.          Ammunition

D.        All of the above

08 Which is not a DG brand?

A.         Rexall

B.         Clover Valley

C.          Pepsi

D.        Our Family

Dollar General Symbols: What do they mean and how do they ...09

A.         Determines the age of item

B.         Made in China

C.          Discount code

D.        Specifies which day is discounted

10 Normal store hours?

A.         7:00 am – 10:00 pm

B.         8:00 am – 10:00 pm

C.          6:00 am – 12:00 pm

D.        7:30 am – 10:30 pm

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