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Bob’s job history

Event 01 Parks host Minong WI 2017

Watercraft inspectors work at boat landings to educate people boating and fishing about aquatic invasive species, and how to slow the spread. They tally some basic information about the boaters they talked to. That data is aggregated by day and landing, and stored in the Surface Water Integrated Monitoring System (SWIMS) database.


01 What lake did Bob work?

A.               Gilmore Lake

B.           Red Lake


C.            Pokegama Lake, Washburn county


D.          McLain Lake

02 How much did it pay?

A.         Nothing, volunteer work

B.       $5 per boat

C.          $10 per hour

D.        $1,000 per month

03 What is the goal of watercraft inspection?

A.         Prevent the introduction of new AIS into Wisconsin

B.         Contain the spread of AIS in Wisconsin

C.          Control existing populations of AIS to minimize harmful impacts

D.        All of the above

04 What is AIS?

A.         Automatic Identification System

B.         Association for Information Systems

C.          Aquatic Invasive Species

D.        American International School

05 Was his pay taxable?

A.         No, weekly unreported check

B.         Yes

06 Untrue Wisconsin law regarding leaving boat landing?

A.         Must remove plants/animals

B.         Must drain all water from boats, vehicle and equipment

C.          All live bait must be discarded

D.        Must drain water from livewells and container holding catch

07 Which is not from the DNR?

A.      Never move live fish away from waterbody

B.      Extra precaution is to leave boat in sun for 5 days before entering another lake

C.        The warden will decide how to process the violation.

D.       If a boater refuses to correct a violation call 911

08 How big is Pokegama lake?

A.         275 acres

B.         465 acres

C.          774 acres

D.        1,347 acres

09 How many Pokegama lakes in WI?

A.         1 - Washburn county

B.         2 - Washburn and Vilas counties

C.          3 - Washburn, Vilas and Barron counties

D.        4 - Washburn, Vilas, Barron and Burnett counties

10 Fish eating advisory for child bearing women and children for Pokegama lake?

A.         1 meal of Muskie per month

B.         1 meal of all species except Muskie per month

C.          1 meal of bluegill, sunfish, crappies, trout and perch per week

D.        Only inland trout

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